Katie Jane Tarot Offline
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About Me
My Aim In Reading My aim in reading is to work with a client on a positive level, in order to help them cope and move forward while facing either a spiritual or emotional crisis
Service & Experience
My Aim In Reading My aim in reading is to work with a client on a positive level, in order to help them cope and move forward while facing either a spiritual or emotional crisis, or both. I support and provide guidance to my clients in order to help them find a way forward. The skills I use within a reading are unique. I combine the gift of spirit with reading and understanding the Tarot, guided by spirit. Spirit guides me to the cards which have significance within the reading. I use two different decks of cards during my readings; The Elementary Tarot Deck by Roberta Peters and a deck of Polish Tarot Cards by Robert Iichodziejewski. I find these cards to be very colourful and they provide very positive and gentle messages. While reading, Spirit will come around me to give me direct messages. I have a very strong psychic, clairvoyant and clairsentient abilities. I also provide psychological guidance to clients when needed, as added support to help them during difficult times. I will always state to my clients where my guidance is coming from. Often clients develop a strong dependence on readings to get the through life's difficult moments and sometimes the readings take over their own personal choices. My goal is to provide spiritual guidance in order to help them regain strength within themselves, to help them ground themselves and regain control over their life and making their own choices, choices in alignment with their higher self and that will help them follow their soul path. My ultimate goal is to empower my clients in their own spiritual selves and help them gain their independence and spiritual freedom and strength.
20 Years Experience Reiki ... Crystal ... Angel ... Healer & Master I have been aware of spirit's presence around me for as long as I can remember. At a very young age I would feel dogs sleeping on my bed and was awakened by the feel of cats pawing my bed covers. The spirits of animals seemed to be drawn to me, quite possibly as protection and to offer comfort to me as a young child. I also began to experience unexplainable phenomena, such as lights turning themselves on and off and hearing footsteps walking around in the hallway although there was no one there. My clairsentient and clairaudient gifts coming forth at a very young age.